So I recently sat down and read Jesus the Christ. I started reading it on my mission almost 8 years ago. But I finished my mission before I finished the book, and then got so busy with classes that I never finished.
Mission Pic |
I recommend this book to anybody looking to study and know more about the Savior. In particular, for me, I enjoyed learning more about the parables that are shared. An example of this is the story of the gentile woman who comes and asks the Savior to save her child from a devil that is possessing her. The Saviors parabolic response is "Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it unto the dogs." She responded by stating, "Yes Lord, yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs." (Mark 7:27-29) Because of her response, her daughter was healed. For the longest time, I have not been able to figure this parable out. Every time I read this story, I had no understanding of what this was suppose to be teaching; and I was starting to even get frustrated every time I read it. My big problem was that I always thought of the dogs as vicious and representing the devils possessing the girl, but i was wrong. I now understand that they are domestic dogs and they are symbolic of the gentiles. What he was teaching is, that at that moment, his work and ministry was to be among the Jews (children) first. The time would come when the gentiles (dogs) would receive his words (bread/crumbs). Her points was that sometimes the teachings reach even the gentiles and that she believed in his words. Even though it took me so long to understand, she understood right away. She bore her testimony of her belief in him and he blessed her for her faith.

I also enjoyed being able to study the Saviors life in chronological order. It really cleared up questions I had regarding the timing of certain events in his ministry. gaining the understanding and perspective of when and where things happened helps to clarify the things being taught.
After reading this book, I just want to include my testimony about the Savior and how grateful I am for his teachings and atonement. I know he is the Savior of the world and by his grace we are saved after all that we can do.
All in all, this a book that I would recommend to anyone. It may get a little complicated in parts and you will definitely want to have time to read some parts more than once, but if you have any questions about the Savior (and we all should) than I recommend this book to you.
If you are interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and his teachings feel free to visit
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